例如在下面這兩個句子里,When you go there, it's beautiful,You get on kind of a winding cable car,that goes up the side of the cliff.當你去那兒的時候,它很漂亮,有點像坐上了駛向絕壁一側的蜿蜒盤旋的纜車,I have this theory that,to us the world is a flat thing we stand on,but to birds it is a cliff they cling to.我有一種想法,就是對我們來說,世界是一個我們所站立的平坦的東西,而對鳥來說是一個它們所依靠的峭壁,在這兩個句子中,cliff指的是懸崖、絕壁,cliff還有一個短語,red cliff,指的是赤壁,Feel like being in the "Romance of Three Kingdoms"in the Red Cliff, the lonely helplessness.仿佛置身于《 三國演義》中的赤壁中,孤獨無助,cliff這個單詞你學會了嗎?