1. Varying is an English verb that means "to change" or "to vary." In context, varying can indicate changes of varying degrees or in different directions. For example, one might say, "The temperature in this city varies greatly, sometimes hot and sometimes cold, with temperatures constantly changing." This illustrates the degree and continuity of change associated with the word varying.2. The application of varying in academic fields is widespread, encompassing disciplines such as sociology, geography, economics, and mathematical reasoning. In mathematical reasoning, the term varying can denote the change in function parameters. For instance, one might state, "The input parameters of the function vary from 0 to ∞, resulting in different output outcomes." Here, varying refers to the range of changes in the function's input parameters, from zero to infinity.3. In the realm of computer programming, varying has specific applications, particularly in search algorithms and sorting algorithms. In sorting algorithms, varying can represent the changes in sorting elements, such as the pivot value. For example, in the quicksort algorithm, "the pivot value parameter varying can change during each sorting iteration." In this context, varying refers to the crucial parameter that undergoes alteration within the algorithm.