1. "Let's be environmental friendly, let's contribute to the world." 保護地球,從我做起。 2. "Protect the Earth, start with me." 節約能源,從我做起。 3. "Save energy, start with me." 保護環境,就是保護我們自己。 4. "Protecting the environment is protecting ourselves." 減少污染,讓天空更藍。 5. "Reduce pollution, let's make the sky bluer." 綠色出行,為地球加分。 6. "Green travel, add points to the Earth." 節約用水,就是珍惜生命。 7. "Save water, cherish life." 讓森林覆蓋大地,讓氧氣充滿空氣。 8. "Let the forests cover the land, let the oxygen fill the air." 減少碳排放,為子孫后代留下美好家園。 9. "Reduce carbon emissions, leave a beautiful home for future generations." 保護動物,就是保護我們共同的家園。 10. "Protect animals, protect our common home."