The Inventions of Thomas EdisonWhenever you flick a switch, play a record, or watch a movie, you are benefits from one of Thomas Alva Edison's groundbreaking inventions. In fact, it's hard to imagine a day without utilizing one of his numerous significant discoveries.Bestowed with 1,093 patents throughout his life, Edison enhanced our ability to communicate through his enhancements to the telegraph and telephone. He brought music into our homes with the creation of the phonograph.He illuminated our houses by conceptualizing and establishing the first indoor electric lighting system.Immerse yourself in Edison's music, as it was originally captured before the advent of CDs!Credited as the inventor of the first phonograph, you will listen to Edison's early recordings played on ancient "hand-cranked" cylinder and diamond disc model phonographs. Try to guess the variety of uses proposed by Edison for this remarkable invention.Send messages in Morse Code using operational telegraph keys.Explore the period boarding room that portrays Edison's life in Louisville in 1866-67, and comprehend the significance of the telegraph.