泰山玉石,這一源自山東泰安泰山山麓的瑰寶,以其獨特的蛇紋石質和精美的工藝,吸引了無數收藏家和愛好者的目光。泰山玉的價格區間廣泛,從幾千元到數萬元不等,其價值取決于品質和工藝的精細程度。高品質和精湛工藝的泰山玉石,價格自然較高;而品質較低的,價格則相對較低。讓我們進一步探索泰山玉石的奧秘:1. 泰山玉石, commonly known as Taishan Jade, is a type of serpentinite jade with a hardness ranging from 4.5 to 6 and a density of 2.53 to 2.85.2. Its formation is a result of deep-source magma intruding along structures and undergoing metamorphism, resulting in a rock texture known as meta-pyroxene olivine rock.3. The formation of Taishan Jade dates back an impressive 250 million years, gaining fame in China as early as the Qin and Han dynasties.4. Taishan Jade is not only prized for its high artistic value but also for its profound cultural significance, symbolizing stability as firm as Mount Tai, health and longevity, smoothness in life, and national harmony.Taishan Jade comes in various types:- Taishan Black Jade, dark in color with a lustrous and fine texture.- Taishan Mountain Green Jade, warm and moist to the touch, often displaying grass green, dark green, and black green hues.- Taishan Jade with Emerald Patches, white as snow with light green patterns interspersed.- Taishan Jade with紫檀, which is red or purple in color and relatively rare.This concludes our exploration of the price of Taishan Jade and its varieties. We hope this information proves helpful in your pursuit of this exquisite gemstone.