1. Hand mirror is a small mirror that is held in the hand or attached to a handle, used for personal grooming or applying makeup. 手持鏡子是一種小型鏡子,可以手持或裝在柄上,用于個人美容或化妝。2. It is a convenient tool for women to check their appearance and make necessary adjustments to their makeup or hair style. 它是女性檢查自己外表并對自己化妝或發型進行必要調整的方便工具。3. The hand mirror was once a necessity for women in the past, as it allowed them to see themselves and attend to their personal hygiene and appearance. 在過去,手鏡曾是女性的必需品,因為它讓她們可以看到自己,照顧自己的個人衛生和外表。4. With the advancement of technology, the hand mirror has been replaced by larger mirrors and digital devices that offer more functionality and convenience. 隨著科技的進步,手鏡已經被更大的鏡子和提供更多功能和便利的數字設備所取代。5. However, the hand mirror still remains a popular item for women who value the traditional way of doing their makeup and maintaining their appearance. 然而,手鏡仍然是一些重視傳統化妝和保持外表的女性受歡迎的物品。