1. 三月三日,是舉行除垢潔身祭祀的日子,眾人商議以茶宴替代。1. On the third day of the third month, it is a day for the purification rite, and the gathering has decided to replace it with a tea banquet.2. 于是,我們踏著遍布野花的小徑,喜愛那庭院中的綠蔭,清風拂面,陽光隱匿,留下無盡的雅興。2. So, we tread upon the paths strewn with wildflowers, cherishing the shade of the courtyard, as the breeze sweeps over us, and the sunlight hides, leaving an endless elegance.3. 靜臥于耐納青苔之上,坐在花枝之間,昌缺沒近處鶯聲婉轉而不飛走,紅花瓣飄落衣襟卻不散去。3. Reclining, we borrow the green mist, sitting amidst the branches, where the orioles nearby do not fly away at our approach, and the red petals fluttering onto our clothing do not disperse.4. 此時,我們命令斟滿香茶,置于素凈的杯中,茶水色澤如琥珀般殷紅,不使人醉倒,卻微微引發清新的思緒;4. At this moment, we command the fragrant tea to be poured into plain cups, its color like amber, thick and translucent; it does not make one tipsy, but slightly arouses a clear train of thought;5. 即便是玉露仙漿,也不再覺得超過它。5. even the nectar of the immortals could not be better.6. 座中有才子南陽的鄒子和高陽的許侯,與我們二三子共同享受這塵世之外的雅趣,何不吟詠詩歌呢?6. Among us are the talented Zou Zi from Nanyang and Xu Hou from Gaoyang, along with a few others, who recently enjoy a pleasure beyond the worldly, so why not recite poetry?