在抖音APP中,如何將商品添加至已開通的商品櫥窗?請按照以下步驟操作:1. 打開抖音APP,導航至“我”的頁面。2.locate and tap on the "商品櫥窗" option.3. Once inside the product showcase, you will see options like "櫥窗管理" or "選品廣場".4. To add a product via "櫥窗管理", click on the "添加商品" button and follow the on-screen instructions, which may include selecting the product, filling in its details, and completing any authorization or withdrawal account setup steps as required.5. Alternatively, to add a product through "選品廣場", browse and search for items until you find the one you want to add. Then, simply tap the "加櫥窗" button next to it, and it will be added to your product showcase.6. The "選品廣場" also offers convenient features such as popular activity product selection, keyword search for products, and category switching, aiding users in selecting and adding products more efficiently.7. In addition to these methods, consider utilizing advanced features like "一鍵添品" or "櫥窗托管" for adding products. These features typically provide a more intelligent and automated approach to product addition and management. For instance, "一鍵添品" allows for quick batch addition of multiple products to the showcase, while "櫥窗托管" can intelligently analyze product conversion rates and automatically replace or update products in the showcase.8. In summary, the process of adding products to a Douyin product showcase is straightforward and flexible. Users can choose the method that best suits their needs and preferences, and continuously experiment and optimize the product mix and presentation to enhance the appeal and conversion rate of their product showcase.詳情