詩篇119篇121節-128節中,主的話語如下:1. 你的公義如同巍峨的山峰, Your righteousness is as a mountain high; 你的判斷高不可攀。 Your judgments are a great abyss.2. 我在暗中遭遇不公, In the shadow of adversity I have suffered; 在困境中受盡熬煎, In distress have I been held captive, 直到你的使女為我指引道路。 Until your maidservant found me.3. 我醒來時,你在我身邊, When I awoke, you were beside me, 如一位拯救者。 As a savior.4. 你開啟我的耳朵, You opened my ears, 我聽見你的呼喚, And I heard your call, 盡管有首領坐著作證。 Even though princes sat and judged.5. 你的命令常在我心中, Your command is in my heart, 使我比敵人更智慧。 Making me wiser than my enemies.6. 你的話語是我腳前的燈, Your word is a lamp before my feet, 是我路上的光。 And a light for my path.7. 在你的律例中,我樂意遵行, I delight in your statutes, 將我的心投入到你的法度中。 And meditate on your laws.8. 因為你所賜的, For your gifts, 我勤于探索, I eagerly seek, 從未偏離你的法度。 And have not departed from your statutes.9. 你的言語是我所學習的, Your word is my meditation, 我心中的渴望。 And the desire of my heart.10. 我將超越世人尋求你,I will surpass the multitude in seeking you,向你屈膝。And bend the knee before you.11. 你仆人一生一世都是如此,Thus your servant is,一生的歲月如此,From my youth;你的右手扶持我,Your right hand supports me,12. 你叫我明白你的法令。Calling me to understand your statutes.