1. Spring has arrived, and with the warmth comes the ideal time for planting trees.2. In March, our teachers arrange for us to participate in tree planting activities, providing us with saplings to cultivate.3. We travel to a designated planting location, equipped with the necessary tools.4. The first step is to dig a suitable hole in the ground, ensuring it is appropriately sized for the sapling.5. Carefully, we place the sapling into the hole, mindful to handle it with care to avoid damage.6. Next, we backfill the hole with the soil we initially set aside, ensuring the sapling is securely planted.7. It's essential to water the sapling and the soil to provide moisture for initial root growth.8. Lastly, we stake the young tree to provide additional support against the elements, especially wind.By following these steps, we contribute to the environment and witness firsthand the growth process of these future lungs of the earth.