1. In recent years, the U.S. military has proposed several new operational theories in the context of the Iraq War. These include the strategies of "preemptive strike," "deterrence," and "full-spectrum operations."2. These theories have not only influenced the development and future foreign policy of the United States but have also had a profound impact on the international security environment, the military buildup of other nations, and the progression of global military transformations.3. Specific tactics that have emerged include the theories of "surgical strike" attacks, "stand-off" nuclear strikes, and information warfare.4. The "surgical strike" theory entails the use of airpower or missiles to precisely target critical enemy assets without deploying ground forces within enemy territory or naval forces within enemy waters.5. "Stand-off" strikes are a common tactic in high-tech warfare, where missiles are fired from beyond the range of enemy fire to strike targets, aiming to minimize friendly casualties and enhance the element of surprise.6. Information warfare involves competition between adversaries in the realm of information gathering, transmission, and application, including efforts to reduce the effectiveness of the enemy's electronic systems while ensuring the integrity of one's own. This encompasses activities such as electronic warfare reconnaissance, offensive, and defensive operations.