1. Tab:Noun for the flap of a hat or the act of spying; verb meaning to walk.2. Table:Noun for a set meal, a place, or a flat surface; verb meaning to list.3. Tablecloth:Noun for a cover for a table.4. Tableland:Noun for a flat highland.5. Tablespoon:Noun for a large spoon used for serving food.6. Tablet:Noun for a memo pad, a flat slab, or a pill.7. Taboo:Adjective for forbidden or sacred; noun for a taboo or prohibition; verb meaning to prohibit.8. Tabular:Adjective for in the form of a table or flat.9. Tabulate:Verb meaning to arrange in a table or list.10. Tacit:Adjective for silent or understood without being spoken.11. Tack:Noun for a nail or a sharp tool; verb meaning to fasten or change course.12. Tackle:Noun for tackle or equipment; verb meaning to deal with or catch.13. Tact:Noun for touch or taste; adj for skillful in handling situations.14. Tactical:Adjective for related to tactics or strategy.15. Tactician:Noun for a strategist or tactician.16. Tactics:Noun for strategy or tactical methods.17. Tactile:Adjective for related to the sense of touch.18. Taffeta:Noun for a smooth, stiff fabric.19. Tag:Noun for a label or hook; verb meaning to label or add.20. Tail:Noun for a plait or a tail; verb meaning to make long or follow.21. Tailor:Noun for a tailor; verb meaning to make or alter clothes.22. Taint:Noun for corruption or contamination; verb meaning to contaminate or spoil.This list of vocabulary commences with words starting with the letter "T" and extends across 17 pages, encompassing a variety of words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives. It serves as an invaluable resource for learners of English.