1. The Weeping Angels first appeared in the third season, episode 10 of the "Doctor Who" series. They later returned in the fifth season in episodes 5 and 6, as well as in the seventh season in episode 5.2. The Angels are ancient beings that feed on time, ranking them alongside the universe itself as a perfect creature.3. They possess the power of quantum locking, only existing when they are not being observed. Upon being seen by any living being, they turn to stone, a process known as petrification. This stone is a physiological feature of the Angels and is both unable to cause harm and to be harmed, which usually makes the Weeping Angels appear invincible.4. Their method of attack usually involves coming into contact with humans and then corrupting their will to send them back to a specific time and place in the past. Consequently, the Weeping Angels are not true killers, but rather entities that remove people from their own timelines.5. The concept of "Don't Blink" originates from the Weeping Angels, serving as a warning to avoid looking at them directly to prevent being sent back in time.詳情