1. 原唱《一半清醒一半醉》的是黃靜美和喬洋。2. 該曲的詞曲作者分別是小燈和喬洋,編曲由張凱盛完成,和聲編寫出自諶宥之手,和聲部分由諶宥演唱。3. 歌曲中歌詞表達了對于愛情不完美的感嘆,以及對于離別的痛苦之情。4. 歌詞透露出即使明了愛情已經結束,卻仍忍不住想要去挽留,這種痛楚的感覺源于對方的離去。5. 黃靜美是北京音你而來文化有限公司簽約的創作女歌手,她 previously published several songs, including "My Passion Is Like Fire, Your Ice Is Solidified" and "I Disturbed You Before, I Won't Do It Again" .6. In 2019, Huang Jingmei released several singles, including "How Are You Doing Without Me?".7. Qiao Yang is a pop male singer born in Shangqiu, Henan Province, who is also a lyricist, music producer, and MoMo live broadcaster.8. Qiao Yang's music career began in 2005 when he released his first original single "Cotton Candy Boy".9. In 2010, Qiao Yang released the single "My Humble Promise", signed with Zhu Shu Culture in November of the same year, and released the album "Your Excuses" in November.