1. Livelihood, a term signifying one's means of subsistence or way of life, encompasses the labor, skills, and income required to sustain an individual or community's living standards.2. In today's society, economic development and global influences have brought about significant shifts in the ways people make a living. The evolving landscape of livelihoods is evident in the adaptation to public health events, which have necessitated changes in work and consumption patterns. The emergence of terms like "remote work," "online transactions," and "digital living" reflects the challenges and opportunities presented by the pandemic. Will this trend persist, and how will society adapt to this new way of life?3. The distribution of resources has become an increasingly important factor in determining the sustainability of livelihoods, considering the growing global population and dwindling resources. Achieving sustainability is crucial for the continuation of our way of life and leaving a viable world for future generations. The search for solutions that foster a positive cycle is essential to ensure the maintenance of our lifestyle and the preservation of resources for the long term.4. The concept of livelihood is intertwined with the interaction between individuals and their potential wealth. The formation of a particular livelihood is shaped by personal experiences, family backgrounds, and regional characteristics. The diversity of livelihoods not only provides opportunities to acquire various skills and knowledge but also offers a range of choices to pursue one's ideal lifestyle.