1. Penutian language family: Includes Nisuini Pelsi and Klamath languages, which play a significant role in cultural exchanges among Native Americans in the Americas.2. Yakima language: Another important Native American language.3. Yuman language family: Comprises Yuma and Mohave languages, reflecting rich regional diversity.4. Iroquoian language family: Includes Cherokee, Mohawk, Oneida, and Seneca languages, as well as Nentsa language, which are vital for the traditional communication of the Iroquois nation.5. Uto-Aztecan language family: Includes languages such as Blackfoot and Pawnee, among others.6. Algonquian language family: Represents by Cree, Ojibwe, and Delaware languages.7. Algonquian languages (continued): Include Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Ojibwe languages, which are branches of the Algonquian language family, showcasing the unique cultures of these nations.8. Fox, Delaware, and Sauk languages: Demonstrate the rich diversity of different regions.9. Uto-Aztecan languages (continued): Include Pima and Shoshoni languages, as well as Papago and Palau languages, reflecting the multiculturalism of the southwestern United States.10. Comanche and Navajo languages: Represent the west of North America.11. Kiowa and Ute languages: Reflect the historical changes of the region.12. Tawanian language family: Includes Towa and Taiwa languages, while Tiwa is another independent language family.13. Muskogean language family: Comprises Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole languages, revealing the close connections among southeastern Native Americans.14. Caddo and Sui languages: Display the linguistic branches of different regions.15. Winnebago, Ojibwe, and Athabaskan languages: Reflect the complex context of central North America.16. Haida and Tlingit languages: Are unique to the Pacific coast.17. Navajo language: One of the largest Native American languages in North America.18. Zoquean language family: Includes Zoque and Mixtecan languages such as Zapotec, showcasing the profound impact and diverse charm of Native American languages.詳情