年夜飯菜單中的每道菜都承載著獨特的寓意:1. 芹菜:芹菜與“勤”諧音,代表勤奮。年夜飯不僅是家庭團聚的時刻,也是教育子女的契機。芹菜的 presence serves as a reminder to the children to be diligent, as diligence is key to a fulfilling life.2. 豬手:豬手象征著發財就手,意味著順利和成功。 Whether braised, with black fungus, or with peanuts, the pork palm is a favorite during the feast, signifying smoothness in endeavors and prosperity.3. 生菜:生菜的讀音與“生財”諧音,意味著財源滾滾。 It is an essential vegetable for the New Year's Eve meal, and when paired with golden, crispy油炸馓子, it becomes a symbol of "Gold Bars for Wealth."4. 南瓜(免瓜):在一些地方,南瓜被稱為“免瓜”,寓意著免災免難。 Its vibrant color adds to the festive atmosphere of the holiday.5. 雞:雞在年夜飯中象征著“吃雞起家”,意味著家庭的興旺和繁榮。 The choice of "free-range chicken" for worship signifies vitality and growth.詳情