48式太極拳拳譜對照英文起勢 Starting Form- 第一段 Part I 1. 白鶴亮翅 White Crane Spreads Its Wings 2. 左摟膝拗步 Brush Knee with Twist Step, Left 3. 左單鞭 Single Whip, Left 4. 左琵琶勢 Hand Strums Lute, Left 5. 捋擠勢 (三) Stroke and Push (Three) 6. 左搬攔捶 Turn to Strike, Parry and Punch, Left 7. 左棚捋擠按 Wardoff, Stroke, Push and Press, Left第二段 Part II 8. 斜身靠 Lean Oblique 9. 肘底捶 Punch Under Elbow 10. 倒卷肱 (四) Step Back and Whirl Arms on Both Sides (Four) 11. 轉身推掌 (四) Turn to Push Palms (Four) 12. 右琵琶勢 Hand Strums Lute, Right 13. 摟膝栽捶 Brush Knee and Punch Downward第三段 Part III 14. 白蛇吐信 (二) White Snake Sticks out Its Tongue (Two) 15. 拍腳伏虎 (二) Pat Foot to Subdue Tiger (Two) 16. 左撇身捶 Turn Left to Strike 17. 穿拳下勢 Thread Palm with Crouch Stance 18. 獨立撐掌 (二) Fend off on One Leg (Two) 19. 右單鞭 Single Whip, Right第四段 Part IV 20. 右云手 (三) Wave Hands like Clouds, Right (Three) 21. 右左分鬃 Part Horse’s Mane on Both Sides 22. 高探馬 Pat High on Horse 23. 右蹬腳 Kick with Right Heel 24. 雙峰貫耳 Strike Opponent’s Ears with Both Fists 25. 左蹬腳 Kick with Left Heel 26. 掩手撩拳 Strike with Hidden Fist 27. 海底針 Needle at Sea Bottom 28. 閃通背 Flash Arm第五段 Part V 29. 右左分腳 Kick with Right and Left Foot 30. 摟膝拗步 (二) Brush Knee on Left and Right Bow Steps (Two) 31. 上步擒打 Step Forward to Strike 32. 如封似閉 Apparent Close-Up 33. 左云手 (三) Wave Hands like Clouds, Left (Three) 34. 右撇身捶 Turn Right to Strike 35. 左右穿梭 Work at Shuttles on Both Sides 36. 退步穿掌 Step Back and Thread Palm第六段 Part VI 37. 虛步壓掌 Press Down Palms with Empty Step 38. 獨立托掌 Stand on One Leg and Hold out Palm 39. 馬步靠 Push Forearm with Horse-riding Step 40. 轉身大捋 Turn Body with Big Strokes 41. 撩掌下勢 Swing Palm with Crouch Step 42. 上步七星 Step Forward to Cross Fists 43. 獨立跨虎 Stand on One Leg to Mount Tiger 44. 轉身擺蓮 Turn Body for Lotus Kick 45. 彎弓射虎 Draw Bow to Shoot Tiger 46. 右搬攔捶 Turn to Strike, Parry and Punch, Right 47. 右棚捋擠按 Wardoff, Stroke, Push and Press, Right 48. 十字手 Cross Hands收勢 Closing Form