1. Composition of the violation code 1637: This code consists of three parts - behavior classification code, scoring classification code, and serial number code. The "1" signifies that the violation falls under the category of road safety regulations in the Traffic Safety Law.2. Severity of the violation: The "6" in the violation code 1637 represents the scoring classification code, indicating that this violation will be recorded in the traffic violation points system, reflecting its seriousness and impact on the driver's license.3. Specific description of the violation: The serial number "37" further identifies it as the 37th number among similar violation behaviors, showing its general prevalence and representativeness in similar infractions.4. Penalties: For this violation with the code 1637, a fine ranging from 500 to 2000 yuan will be imposed, in addition to the deduction of 6 points. This signifies the severity of the violation, which not only affects the driver's record but also may entail substantial financial burdens.5. Consequences of the violation: Furthermore, the vehicle may be seized as a corrective measure against the violation, ensuring road safety and order.6. Significance of the violation code: Overall, the 1637 violation code enforces strict regulations against overloading. Any violator will face corresponding points deduction and legal consequences. Obeying traffic rules and ensuring safe driving is a responsibility that every driver must assume.