1. The term "五五分" refers to a body proportion where the head and torso each account for 50% of the overall height.2. It is commonly used to describe an unflattering body proportion, although it does not mean that the length from the head to the groin and the length from the groin to the ground are exactly equal.3. The concept of "五五分" does not reflect an actual body proportion, as even Asian males (with an average Miao's index of 85.10, indicating a medium leg type) and Asian females (with an average Miao's index of 83.41, indicating a sub-short leg type) have ratios of navel height to height far greater than 50%.4. If "五五分" refers to the proportion of perineal height to height being 50%, then perineal height is actually equal to height minus sitting height. By this ratio, the leg length would be significantly longer than usual, representing an ultra-long leg type.5. Therefore, describing someone's body proportion as "五五身材" to indicate poor leg-to-body ratio is inaccurate, as this term does not align with the actual body proportion data.