想在朋友圈發個勵志句子,可又不知道怎么寫,跟著小編來看下吧!1、我希望成為那種既可以溫柔似水,又可以隨時有升級打怪的勇氣的那種人。I hope to be the kind of person who can be gentle as water, but also can have the courage to upgrade to play strange people at any time.2、我們都要認真努力地生活呀,只有這樣才能找到被這生活藏起來的棉花糖呀!We should seriously try to live ah, only in this way can we find the marshmallow hidden by this life!3、我們要微笑著去面對這生活,就當是來這地球旅游一樣,反正只此一次,開心也是一天,不開心也是一天,那為什么不開心點度過呢?We should smile to face this life, just like to travel to this earth, anyway, only this once, happy is a day, unhappy is a day, why not happy to spend it?4、我想這世上每一個溫柔善良的女孩,大概都是那星河遺落在人間的星星吧!I think this world every gentle and kind girl, is probably the star of the river dropped in the world!5、今天就想今天的事情,不要去擔憂未來,活好當下就好,預支明天的煩惱這樣的事情還是不要做了。Think about today, dont worry about the future, live in the present, advance tomorrows troubles such things or not to do6、我們的生活中,總是充滿未知的挑戰與難題,如果你勇敢地邁過去,那么迎接你的碧水藍天。In our life, there are always unknown challenges and problems, if you brave to take the past, then meet your blue water and blue sky.7、愿我們每個人都活得堅強而溫柔,自謙但不自卑,陽光積極而努力奔跑。Wish each of us to live strong and gentle, self-deprecating but not self-abased, the sun is active and strive to run.8、你想要理想的生活,那你就要對這生活多點熱愛與心動呀!You want the ideal life, then you have to this life more love and heart!9、如果你想要過上你心目中理想的那種生活,那你就要努力呀,因為當你努力到一定程度的時候,所有的好運都如期而至的。lf you want to live your ideal life, then you have to work hard, because when you work hard enough, all the good luck will come to you.10、做人呀,不要總是想著去取悅別人,偶爾也要想想怎么取悅自己呀!Life ah, dont always think to please others, occasionally also want to think how to please yourself!11、如果上帝沒有給你一個好的出生,那么在人生這條路上,你就更要努力去追趕不是嗎?If God did not give you a good birth, so in the life of this road, you have to work harder to catch up is not it?12、希望我們每一個人都活得像太陽一樣,雖然未必總是光芒萬丈,但是卻始終溫暖有光。I hope every one of us live like the sun, although not always the light, but always warm light.13、生活在這個世界上,誰都可能會失敗,可怎么會剛好就是你呢?有失敗就會有成功,那么既然有人可以成功,那么憑什么就不能是你呢?Live in this world, who may fail, but how just is you? Where there is failure, there is success. So if someone can succeed, why cant it be you?14、我覺得我們不太合適,你值得擁有最好的那個,而我只是更好的人。I dont think were right for each other. You deserve the best, but Im just a better man.