

導讀I wish myself.Happy Valentine's day。2、你說因為有我所以贏了全世界。You said that because of I won the world。3、你的情人節,卻是我的情人劫。Your Valentine's day.but it's my lover。4、跟著你的腳步,走遍天涯海角。Follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe。5、我得了一種病,叫不能沒有你。I have a disease.can not be without you。6、傾盡我一生,只為成全你半分。Give me my life.just to give you a half。

1、祝我自己,情人節快樂。I wish myself, Happy Valentine's day.2、你說因為有我所以贏了全世界。You said that because of me, so I won the world.3、你的情人節,卻是我的情人劫。Your Valentine's day, but it's my lover.4、跟著你的腳步,走遍天涯海角。Follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe.5、我得了一種病,叫不能沒有你。I have a disease, can not be without you.6、傾盡我一生,只為成全你半分。Give me my life, just to give you a half.7、七夕在家就好,何必在風中凌亂。Chinese home is good, why in the wind messy.8、未來就從刻度尺開始,一步步蔓延。The future from the scale began, a step by step spread.9、暖暖的感動,稍稍見證了我們的愛。The warmth of the move, a little testimony to our love.10、人生太漫長,你只不過是一道風景!Life is too long, you are just a scenery!11、東京的櫻花盛開,俄們已染指紛飛。Tokyo cherry blossoms, we have to fly.12、問:情人節怎么過?答:一笑而過。Q: what's the Valentine's day? Answer: laugh.13、我是該有多幸運,才能夠認識了你。How lucky I am to be able to meet you.14、抱著自己喜歡的人,才是最好的感覺Holding the one you like, is the best feeling15、我們說好不分離,要一直一直在一起。We say not to separate, to have been together.16、邇的愛太讓人傷透心,沒有一絲眷戀。Your love is so broken heart, no trace of love.17、情人節誰陪我,好像只有我和影子了。Valentine's day who accompany me, it seems that only me and the shadow of the.18、你不配和我過情人節,頂多過愚人節。You don't deserve my Valentine's day, April Fool's day at most.19、有情人的過情人節有敵人的過狄仁杰。Valentine's day has the enemy's Di Renjie.20、只因為有你,親愛的。你在我身邊真好。Just because of you, my dear. It's so nice of you to me.21、我的生命只剩下三件事:我愛你愛你你。I only have three things in my life: I love you, you love you.22、你,就是我拒絕別人,一直單身的理由。You are the reason why I refuse to be single.23、情人節送玫瑰花不如送菜花,能吃又省錢。Valentine's Day roses than send cauliflower, can eat and save money.24、我最最愛的寶貝,我要我們永遠都不分離。My favorite baby, I want we never separate.25、有天如果我不能替你撐傘那我就陪你淋雨。One day if I cannot take your umbrella that I will accompany you in the rain.26、一個不經意,你的笑容就成了我的整個世界。One day, your smile has become my whole world.27、左心房,關著一個你。右心房,藏著一個你。The left atrium, with a you. The right atrium, hiding a you.28、情人那天我一定要去玩連連看一點滅掉一對。I want to play a little out of a Lianliankan on Valentine's day.29、感謝上天讓我遇見你,不管我們有沒有未來!Thank God let me meet you, whatever we have in the future!30、唯求與他共搭未來的列車,抵達幸福的彼岸。Only for him to share a future train, arrived at the shore of happiness.31、愿七夕的臺風來的猛烈些吧,吹掉幾對是幾對。May the Qixi Festival typhoon to vilently. Several of the few is on, off.32、無論她有多大錯,她開始哭的一剎那就是我錯了。No matter how much her mistake, she began to cry for a moment that I was wrong.33、因為她才一米六所以一旦吵架了我就必須先低頭!Because she is only six meters so once the quarrel I must bow!34、七夕這天,到大街上搞惡作劇,拆散一對是一對。The Qixi Festival day, on the street to make a practical joke, break up a pair is a pair.35、心痛的聲音,你聽不到,愚昧的我還在等什么呢?The voice of heartache, you can not hear, ignorant I still etc. What?36、在被你保護的身影后面我已經感覺到了那份心情。Are you protected in figure behind I already feel in the mood.37、喜歡你的人,要你的現在;愛你的人,要你的未來。Love you, need you now; the people who love you, to your future.38、輕輕地不想打擾你可惜還是碰到了讓我傷痛的記憶!Gently, don't want to bother you but I met the memory of pain!39、期待有一天牽我步入婚姻殿堂的是那個我深愛的少年。Look forward to the day to hold my marriage is that I love the boy.40、我想所謂的幸福已經失了。我想所謂的甜蜜已經落了。I think the so-called happiness has been lost. I think the so-called sweet have fallen.41、路有多長我就陪你走多久笨書網.Com/,毫無怨言,絕不皺一下眉頭。How long is the road I accompany you to go long, without complaint, never frown.42、我深愛的少年我把我的夢我最純粹的感情都拿去愛了你。I love the boy I put my dream my feeling is the most pure love to you.43、世界上有三樣東西的光彩無可比擬:愛情,鉆石,和你。There are three things: love, diamonds, luster There is nothing comparable to this and you.44、當我的打字法都認識你的時候,我想我是真的愛上你了。You know when I am typing method, I think I really love you.45、情人節送什么德芙啊,送炫邁多好,讓你愛我停不下來。Valentine's day to send what Dove ah, take a step Hyun good, let you love me not stop.46、我決定在七夕那天玩一整天的連連看,消滅一對是一對。I decided to play a day in the Qixi Festival day Lianliankan, destroy a pair is a pair.47、情人節不可怕,可怕的是每一年陪你過的都不是同一個人。Valentine's Day is not terrible, terrible is every year to accompany you are not the same person.48、竭盡一生的時間讓你快樂幸福,與你相愛相守一世的時間。Your life time to make you happy, and you love each other a life time.49、保持你最初的溫暖與陽光,這就是你當初最吸引我的地方。Keep your original warm and sunshine, which is the most attractive place I had you.50、雖然我羨慕那些過情人節的人,但是我習慣了潘康納活。Although I envy those people on Valentine's day, but I am used to grass root of life.51、奈何橋下的**花依然美麗,黃泉路上的玫瑰花依然妖嬈。What is the poppy is still beautiful, enchanting rose still lives on the road.52、你給的承諾就像星星一樣,那么多,但是我永遠也得不到!You promised to just like stars, so much, but I will never get!53、用這一生的時間去愛你陪著你,與你相依相伴一世的時間。In this life time to love you accompany you, accompany you on a life time.54、不敢說會陪你一輩子,但只要我在一天,你的身邊一定有我。Dare not say that will accompany you for a lifetime, but as long as I am in a day, I will always be by your side.55、每天早上睜開眼睛,看到你和陽光都在,就是我想要的未來。Every morning I open my eyes, seeing you and the sunshine, that is the future I want to.56、有人問我七夕還是一個人嗎?尼瑪,難道我會變成一條狗么!Someone asked me the Qixi Festival or a person? Don't fuck, I will become a dog!57、預祝明天的情人節是個大太陽天,把一對對情侶曬成大烤餅。I wish the Valentine's day tomorrow is a sunny day, a couple of Tan big pancake.58、我想依靠你永遠在我旁邊帶路。我想牽著你永遠只會為你帶路。I want to rely on you the way always beside me. I want to hold you forever will only show you the way.59、左半邊彩虹,是你心跳的旋律。右半邊彩虹,是我牽手的音符。The left side of the rainbow, is your heart beating fast. The right side of the rainbow, is my hand.60、除了白頭到老,我們無路可走。除了??菔癄€,我們無法分開。In addition to reach old age together, we can go without the road. In addition to Haikudanlan, we can not separate.61、說好的永永遠遠不分離,結果卻要含著淚祝福你和她情人節快樂。Say good forever are not isolated, but the tears bless you and her happy Valentine's day.笨書網.Com/62、情人節又沒有玫瑰花又何必去貪戀,也沒有人挽留又何必去留戀。Valentine's Day is not a rose why to lust, no one would have to retain nostalgia.63、我不怕我不能過情人節,但我怕我喜歡的那個人和別人過情人節。I'm afraid I can't celebrate Valentine's day, but I'm afraid that the people I love and others on Valentine's day.64、愛人和我說:到老的時候,你先死,愛人逝去的痛苦讓我來承受。Love and I said to the old time, you die, love lost pain let me suffer.65、有沒有那么幾個人,在七夕前好久就開始計劃,到七夕在家玩電腦。Is there a few people in the Qixi Festival long before began to plan, to the Qixi Festival at home playing computer.66、天冷了,緊緊的握住你的手,不讓任何男人走入你的心,只許有我。It was cold, holding your hand, do not let any man into your heart, there is only me.67、我房間里堆滿了情人節禮物,我不是高富帥,我只是個懶惰的快遞員。My room is full of Valentine's Day gift, I am not rich handsome, I am just a lazy courier.68、花謝了,再怎么努力也換不回光鮮。心碎了,再怎么愈合也愈合不完全。The flower withered, no matter how hard do not return bright. Broken heart, and then how to heal is not completely healed.69、天冷了,緊緊的抱住你,不讓任何女人闖進你的世界,只許有我的溫柔。It was cold, hold you tight, don't let any woman come into your world, there is only me tender.70、我愿意一直牽著你的手,絕不放開。我愿意一直抱著你的腰,絕不松開。I will always hold your hand, never let go. I would like to hold your waist, never loose.71、那所謂的堅強無非是那無謂的逞強,那所謂的傷心無非是那傷透的心情。The so-called strong it is foolish to be brave, there is nothing more than the broken heart sad.72、這些年為你丟掉的溫暖,誰陪我找回;那些年為你保留的溫柔,誰陪我想念。These years for you to throw away the warmth, who accompany me back; those years for you to retain the gentle, who accompany me miss.73、很多人,因為寂寞而錯愛了一人,但更多的人,因為錯愛一人,而寂寞一生。A lot of people, because of loneliness and the indulgence of one person, but more people, because the indulgence of one person, and lonely life.74、情人節咱沒約會對象,愚人節咱沒表白的對象,還是清明節好,有祭拜的對象。I have no date for Valentine's day, April Fool's day we did not object to express, or Tomb-sweeping Day, the object of worship.75、我不是哆啦A夢,不可能讓你那么開心。我不是蠟筆小新,不可能天天那么開心。I'm not A Doraemon, can not let you so happy. I'm not crayon, can not be so happy every day.76、煙花綻放的美麗,就像你在我身邊一樣;櫻花漫舞的美麗,就像我們快樂的時光。Fireworks beautiful, just like you in my side; Sakura Sakura is beautiful, just like our happy time.77、不要以為沒了邇的存在,莪就會不再愛。不要以為離開邇的世界,莪就會無處待。Don't think you didn't exist, I will no longer love. Don't leave your world, I will be free.78、在這個和諧的社會,小學生們過情人節,中學生們過光棍節,大學生們過兒童節。In the harmony of the society, the pupils on Valentine's day, the students had a singles day, children's Day College students.79、親愛A,幸福A畫面在等著莪們去譜寫;親愛A,幸福A旋律在等著莪們去淺唱。My dear, happy picture waiting for us to write; my dear, happy melody awaits us to sing.80、相愛是你我執著于每一次感動的瞬間花火。相戀是你我執著于每一次幸福的瞬間煙火。Love you and I cling to every touching moment. Love is you and I cling to every moment of happiness.81、愛是緣分,愛是感動,愛是習慣,愛是寬容,愛是犧牲,愛是體諒,愛是一輩子的承諾。Love is fate, love is touched, love is a habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is considerate, love is a lifetime commitment.

夏至過東市二絕(洪咨夔)拼音版、注音及讀音 2017年情人節短信大全 李維斯的牛仔褲如何選款和尺碼 淘寶里帶hot的是什么意思 一聽可樂(打一成語)謎底及原因 如何消除粉筆 公積金如何自取 如何檢測室內射線 如何去除易碎貼紙 帶“香煙”的詩句大全(64句) 關于紅糖長白毛還能否食用的問題(紅糖長白毛還能吃嗎) 關于相遇的句子唯美100字 家庭水電如何安裝 自京師將赴黔南()拼音版、注音及讀音 胡蘿卜必須要油炒才能吸收嗎 依然故我 (打一云南地名)謎底及原因 一旦就業翻了身(打一字)謎底及原因 什么叫黃昏戀 曬結婚證的搞笑語錄精選 寄生獸的能力特點是什么 共無眠。 如何理解素質教育的內涵 高臺對映月分明 (打一字)謎底及原因 木質浴桶如何消毒除菌 計算機二級證書的尺寸是什么 王者榮耀單英雄自定義怎么取消 心疼老婆的說說 堅瑞沃能為什么 什么是大盤藍籌 多頭賣出意味什么 什么股是強勢股 保險板塊叫什么股 金什么泰股票 舊欠金額什么意思 期貨什么時候交易 快遞 保單是什么 指標dea什么意思 什么叫ipo公司 貸款買車發的什么卡 拔頭籌是什么意思
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