1. 過去,我國因人口過多,社會資源難以滿足需求,導致諸多問題。為此,國家推行計劃生育政策,鼓勵家庭生育一個孩子,提倡“只生一個好”。 compliance many families heeded the country's call and had only one child, leading to most of the post-90s generation being only children. 2. 現階段,國家放寬了生育政策,允許家庭生育第二個孩子,希望家庭生活更加豐富多彩。然而,一些夫妻擔心第二個孩子會分散他們的注意力,對第一個孩子不公平。 Additionally, some couples are economically unable to support additional children, and thus choose not to have more. 3. 佳佳是一位正在考慮是否要生育第二個孩子的母親。她的女兒剛滿三歲,剛上幼兒園,回來后便希望能有個弟弟或妹妹,因為同學們都有兄弟姐妹,可以一起玩耍。 However, after giving it some thought, Jia Jia felt undecided because raising a child is not a decision to be taken lightly. 4. Jia Jia和她的丈夫認為,有兩個孩子的家庭確實會更熱鬧。 But along with the joy comes a host of concerns, such as whether the children can get along, and whether the couple can raise both children with confidence. 5. 一些老人表示,過去家庭往往有幾個孩子,生活依然正常。 Therefore, some elders argue, it does not matter whether one has one child or more. 6. Listen to the experiences of those who have come before us regarding the decision to have one or two children.7. families with only one child generally have lower raising costs. This is especially true in today's society, where education is highly valued and encompasses more than just basic needs. 8. Families with multiple children usually have less burden in terms of supporting the elderly. When parents grow old, caring for them becomes a primary concern. 9. regardless of the family structure, there are always challenges. Siblings in large families may also have their own issues, and it is not guaranteed that they will support each other in taking care of their parents.