1、愛就是教育,沒有愛便沒有教育。Love is education,no love,no education。2、每一個學生都是好學生。Every student is a good student。3、困難是人生的老師,是一所最好的學校。The trouble is that the teacher of life,is a better school。4、捧著一顆心,不帶半根草去。Holding a heart,dont take half a piece of grass。5、沒有不好的學生,只有不好的老師。There are no bad students,only bad teacher。
導讀1、愛就是教育,沒有愛便沒有教育。Love is education,no love,no education。2、每一個學生都是好學生。Every student is a good student。3、困難是人生的老師,是一所最好的學校。The trouble is that the teacher of life,is a better school。4、捧著一顆心,不帶半根草去。Holding a heart,dont take half a piece of grass。5、沒有不好的學生,只有不好的老師。There are no bad students,only bad teacher。
在知識的舞臺上,教師們充當著教書育人的角色,充當著傳道受業的角色,當我們歌頌教師的時候,他依然在默默的付出,下面就是以歌頌教師為主題的英語名言,希望這些名言可以幫助到您。 1、愛就是教育,沒有愛便沒有教育。Love is education, no love, no education。 2、每一個學生都是好學生。Every student is a good student。 3、困難是人生的老師,是一所最好的學校。The trouble is that the teacher of life, is a better school。 4、捧著一顆心,不帶半根草去。Holding a heart, dont take half a piece of grass。 5、沒有不好的學生,只有不好的老師。There are no bad students, only bad teacher。 6、真正的教師,極力防止自己的壞習慣及于學生。True teachers, to prevent his bad habits and the student。 7、尊重兒童,不要急于對兒童作出或好或壞的評價。Respect for children, dont jump, or good or bad for children。 8、為他人的幸福而工作,才能達到自身的完善。Work for the happiness of others, to achieve their own perfect。 9、道而弗則和,強而弗抑則易。開而弗達則思。And, and, strong and suppression is easy。 Open and missionary。 10、教師最大的幸福就是看到孩子們在成長!Teachers biggest happiness is to see the children to grow up! 11、和藹可親的態度,永遠是教師良好教態的注腳。Friendly attitude, always a teacher good itself。 12、如果你認為你的老師嚴厲,等你當了老板再這樣想。If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you when the boss。 13、讓我們用自己的行和自己的心去教育我們的孩子。Let us use their own and their own heart to education of our children。 14、幼苗需要土壤的滋養,孩子需要教師的愛護。Young plants need soil nourishing, children need the teachers love。 15、傾注心血的愛能使孩子們早日鮮花綻放!Dedicated efforts of love can make the children early flower。 16、教學相長,在教育和教學過程中,我們也會學到很多。And so, in the process of education and teaching, we can learn a lot。 17、教師,是播撒知識的種子,傳遞文明火炬的使者。Teachers, is to sow the seeds of knowledge, the angel of pass the torch of civilization。 18、教師與畫家不同的是他要創造真善美的活人。Teachers with different artists is he in order to create a good living。 19、培養人,就是培養他獲得未來,快樂的前景的道路。Cultivating people, is training he received in the future, happy future path。 20、教師的加法是增加橋粱,教師的減法是減少荒涼。Teachers bridge, additive is to increase teachers subtraction is to reduce waste。 21、教書育人是教師的天職,既有苦,也有樂。Teaching is the first duty of a teacher, both bitter, also have joy。 22、能得到家長和孩子的尊敬和喜愛,這是教師的價值所在。Parents and children can get respect and love, this is teachers value。 23、一個好的教師,是一個懂得心理學和教育學的人。A good teacher, is a man who understand the psychology and pedagogy。 24、教師必須非常謹慎,必須對他的所作所為負完全責任。Teachers must be very cautious, must take full responsibility for what he had done。 25、享受人文的課堂,享受動感的課堂,享受智慧的課堂。Enjoy the humanities class, enjoy a dynamic class, enjoy the wisdom of classroom。 26、每一位有自尊的老師都會讓學生自尊心有發揮的機會。Every teacher can make students have self-respect self-respect will have the chance to play。 27、母愛的偉大之處在于可以容納孩子最可譴責的行為。The greatness of a mothers love is that can accommodate the childs can be condemned。 28、沒有愛的教學,宛如無水池塘,終將群鮮枯竭。Teaching without love, just like water pond, will eventually group of fresh dried up。 29、教學的藝術不在于傳授的本領,而在于激勵、喚醒、鼓舞。In the teaching of art is not impart ability, but inspire, awaken and inspire。 30、在知識的舞臺上,最淵博的教師也是最謙虛的學生。In the stage of knowledge, the most profound is the most humble student teachers。 31、良好的師德風范必須心中有學生有學生立場。Good ethics model must be a student in your heart are there any students in position。 32、教師的最大幸福就是把一群群孩子送往理想的彼岸。Teachers greatest happiness is to groups of children to the other side of the ideal。 33、嚴于己,而后勤于學生,這個無愧為教師的天職。Strict in yourself, and then follow students, a clear conscience for the first duty of a teacher。 34、在教學上,要做教師兼學者;在寫作上,要做學者兼教師。In teaching, teachers and scholars to do; In writing, scholars and teachers to do。 35、教育貴在一個及字,重在一個小字,即使天天從小事抓起。Education in a and word, is a small word, even if every day from the minor matter。 36、教師對學生來說是一個引路人似的朋友,是心靈、智慧的雙重引路人。Teachers for students is a lead the friend, is the mind, the wisdom of dual lead。 37、在過多地要求孩子的同時,也應該盡可能地尊重他們。In requiring children too much at the same time, also should respect them as much as possible。 38、永遠用欣賞的眼光看學生,永遠用寬容的心態面對學生。Students with appreciation view of forever, forever with tolerant attitude in the face of the students。 39、我愿做人梯讓年秦人踏著我的肩膀攀登科學高峰。I wish to be a ladder for years qin people stepping on my shoulder to climb scientific peak。 40、想教孩子如何正派為人,教師應先從自己正派為人做起。Want to teach children how to decent person, the teacher should start from the decent itself。 41、在一定意義上,學生是老師的影子,兒女是父母的影子。In a sense, is the shadow of the teacher, students and children is the shadow of their parents。 42、不放手讓孩子去做,猶如血液循環受到阻礙,是會防害孩子增強體質的。Dont let the child to do, like blood circulation impeded, would hamper children enhanced physique。 43、教師是天底下最為特殊的職業,今日的師德水準就是明天的國民素質。Teacher is the most special profession, the sun of todays ethics standard is national quality tomorrow。 44、欣賞別人的優點,善待別人的缺點,尊重別人的隱私,快樂自己的人生。Appreciate others advantages, to the faults of others, respect other peoples privacy, the happiness of his own life。 45、教師若不能取得他的學生對自己的尊敬和愛戴,那么最好讓他離開教育崗位。If a teacher cant get his students to his respect and love, then it is better to let him leave education jobs。 46、師德最重要的是用高尚的情操去感染學生,讓學生心中沐浴陽光。Ethics is the most important thing to infect students with noble causes, lets the student the sunshine in my heart。 47、教師的工作是教書育人,不光是傳授學生知識,更要教學生怎樣做人。Teachers job is teaching, it is not only to teach students knowledge, more to teach students how to be a man。 48、用教師的智慧點燃學生的智慧火花,努力使學生得法于課內,得益于課外。Spark lit the wisdom of the students with the wisdom of the teachers, to make students well in the class, thanks to the outside。 49、知識不存在的地方,愚昧就自命為科學;教師不存在的地方,無知就變成了聰慧。Knowledge does not exist, but just pretend to be a science; The teacher does not exist, ignorant becomes brighter。 50、教師如果對學生沒有熱情,決不能成為好教師。但是教師對于學生的愛是一種帶有嚴格要求的愛。Teacher if the students have no passion, must not become a good teacher。 But teachers for students love is a kind of love with strict requirements。 以歌頌教師為主題的英語名言就為您介紹到這里,請您訪問名人名言欄目,這里有更多的英語名言。
1、愛就是教育,沒有愛便沒有教育。Love is education,no love,no education。2、每一個學生都是好學生。Every student is a good student。3、困難是人生的老師,是一所最好的學校。The trouble is that the teacher of life,is a better school。4、捧著一顆心,不帶半根草去。Holding a heart,dont take half a piece of grass。5、沒有不好的學生,只有不好的老師。There are no bad students,only bad teacher。