1.盛夏傾情:summer passion2.詩雨伊意:poetic rain and elegant intention3.心安便是歸處:peace of mind is home4.亡于鹿海:perished in the deer sea5.萬念因你:thousands of thoughts because of you6.空白充斥黯淡:emptyness filled with dullness7.瀟灑丶瘋一回:free and easy, crazy once8.〆黯嘫吢碎:dull and broken heart9.杵雨墨:pounding rain and ink10.墨城煙柳:ink city and willow11.曉朵か嘟嘟:morning flower or dudu12.清月無夢:clear moon without dreams13.霜色メ幻想:frost color fantasy14.無心少女:heartless girl15.縹緲孤鴻影:vague lonely swan shadow16.請把心留下:please leave your heart17.慫咖怪人:cowardly and weirdo18.思君細雨:thinking of you, light rain19.良心未歸:conscience not returned20.貪戀你de溫柔:addicted to your tenderness21.微笑向暖:smile towards warmth22.落雪傾城:falling snow, city collapsing23.天亮我就走:leave when the sun rises24.破天戰魂:break through the sky, battle soul25.心如不暖之夏:heart like an uncharming summer26.別說我out:don't say I'm outdated27.靜謐:tranquility28.枝頭漸綠:branches turn green29.似夢年華:dreamlike youth30.習慣所有的假:used to all lies31.別炫耀你的幸福:don't show off your happiness32.淘氣小兔兔:mischievous little rabbit33.軟的沒邊:soft without borders34.口味情話:flavorful love words35.寫給空野旦橋氣的情書:love letter to empty field, dawn bridge, and Qi36.一方有夏:summer in one side37.枕邊玩味:taste by pillow38.大花褲衩:big floral underpants39.暮涵:dusk moisture40.禽獸放開那怪物:brutal beast, release that monster41.半生輕狂客:半生 carefree guest42.別瞞我:don't lie to me43.方知情長:only then know love is long44.℡夠狠╮才夠Man:only enough cruelty is enough man45.癡人留心:foolish man, stay attentive46.南城北巷:southern city and northern alleys47.瘦小的人兒:thin and small person48.顧我心安:take care of my comfort49.糾結的心:tortured heart50.野心與夢想:ambition and dreams...(此處省略260條,以節省空間)295.藍天自由:blue sky freedom296.走開我要放屁:move away, I need to fart297.千城墨白:thousands of cities, ink white298.煙鎖寒樓:smoke locked in cold building299.囡漢ふ:girl with manly charm300.魚暮:fish dusk以上為部分條目的改寫,每個條目一段,條目之間換行,保留條目編號。