1. "Splash" is an English word that can be used as a verb or a noun.2. As a verb, "splash" means to splash water, create a splashing sound, or play in the water.3. For example, when you jump into the water in a pool, water splashes everywhere, which can be described using the word "splash."4. As a noun, "splash" refers to the sound of splashing, the act of sprinkling or scattering, or the water droplets that result from a splash.5. For instance, when a cup is dropped on the floor and liquid splashes everywhere, you can say there is a "splash."6. "Splash" can also be used in形容詞 or adverbial form, such as "splashy" or "splashily," meaning gaudy, showy, or exaggerated.7. For example, some fashion magazines might use this word to describe some flashy clothing designs.8. Additionally, "Splash" is also the name of an application called "Splash" that provides various desktop backgrounds, icons, and screen savers, among other things.