~ 今天分享一個小技巧~
昨天看到專家朋友寫的《筆記本電腦如何在更換硬盤的同時保留正版Windows 10 系統?》,一下想到上周我也計劃著寫點相關的東西。
先給大家講個故事,我第一次看到人用Ghost是在1998年,當時的2.0版本還沒有上面這樣好看的圖形界面。后來則是因為給某小品牌PC供了幾百塊540MB硬盤,去人家生產線幫忙一起測試驗收,看到小哥用Ghost 5.0來做克隆。然后我就央求人家給拷軟盤里帶走了:)
修復EFI bootloader方案:用Windows自帶命令
最近偶然在Dell技術支持網站看到一篇知識庫:《How to repair the EFI bootloader on a GPT HDD forWindows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 on your Dell PC》(文末提供鏈接),用在上面啟動藍屏的機器上,隨手試了一下能解決問題。下面就把步驟分享給大家:
Windows10(Win7/8步驟類似)If you dohave the Installation Media:
Insert the Media (DVD/USB) in your PC and restart. 用系統安裝介質啟動Boot from the media.Select Repair Your Computer. 選擇“修復你的計算機”,或者按Shift+F10直接打開命令行窗口Select Troubleshoot.Select Advanced Options.Choose Command Prompt from the menu:Type and run the command:diskpart 就是磁盤分區的命令
Type and run the command:sel disk 0
Type and run the command:list vol 注意是列出所有卷,然后選擇FAT文件系統的EFI系統分區(容量不大,啟動相關),分配驅動器號
Verify that the EFI partition (EPS - EFI System Partition) is using the FAT32 file system. Assign a drive letter to it that is not already in use.):Type and run the command:sel vol
Type and run the command:assign letter=:
Type and run the command:exit
In order to repair the boot record:Type and run the command:cd /d :\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\ 進入這個目錄運行下面修復命令
Type and run the command:bootrec /FixBoot
If you do nothave the Installation Media: 如果沒有恢復盤,也可以嘗試進入當前系統盤的恢復命令行。當然像我上面這樣嚴重的啟動問題,只能用U盤/光盤了。
Restart your PCTap rapidly on thekey once the PC has turned on, but before the Windows Splash Screen appears.Be awarethis may take several attempts. The timing for this option was shortenedsignificantly from that in Windows 7.
Select Repair your computer from the menu that appears.Select Command Prompt from the Advanced Options tab in the Troubleshoot screen:Type and run the command:diskpart 這一段和前面重復,可以跳過去了
Type and run the command:sel disk 0
Type and run the command:list vol
Verify that the EFI partition (EPS) is using the FAT32 file system and assign a drive letter to it that is not already in use:Type and run the command:sel vol
Type and run the command:assign letter=:
Type and run the command:exit
In order to repair the boot record:Type and run the command:cd /d :\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\
Type and run the command:bootrec /FixBoot
The next step is the sameacross all the operating systems:
Rebuild the BCD store.First run the command below to back up the old BCD:ren BCD BCD.old 這一步是要備份并重建BCD文件
Now recreate it using this command:bcdboot c:\Windows /l en-us /s : All 就是要去掉最后All前面的空格
Note:If you are creating boot entries on an attached USB Flash or other externaldrive, add /fbetween the : and the ALL. Remember that theis replaced with the letter of the drive that youare booting from. (e.g., C:\, D:\)
How to repair your MBR (Master Boot Record)下面這段英文是針對MBR磁盤修復的,我沒有做實驗,供大家參考。These steps apply to anylegacy drive used as a boot drive on any recent Windows Operating system.
Use the F12 key at the Dell Splash screen to enter the boot menu. It lets you boot from the Windows installation media or a bootable disc or flash drive.Click on the Repair your Computer link at the bottom of the Install Now screen.Click on TroubleshootSelect Command PromptEnter the following three commands in turn, following each by pressing the Enter key:bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildbcd
Restart the PC with the installation media removed to check if the repair worked雖然本文的小技巧可能使用場合不多,但還是發出來給大家參考下。我們平時懶得解決的一些小問題,有時候微軟等OS和硬件廠商早就準備好了相關工具/方案。在下面的原始鏈接里可以選中文,不過個別命令中的空格會出問題,所以大家還是以英文為準吧。
不知是否有朋友在Windous Server系統上試過?
《How to repair the EFI bootloader on a GPT HDD forWindows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 on your Dell PC》
文章ID: SLN300987
上次修改日期: 05/07/2020 05:58 AM