1、從群眾中走出來。像獅子一樣獨自站立,按照你自己的光芒生活。Come out of the masses.stand alone like a lion and live your life according to your own light.2、如果你把注意力集中在痛苦上,你會繼續痛苦。如果你專注于課程,你就會繼續成長。If you focus on the hurt,you will continue to suffer.if you focus on the lesson ,you will continue to grow.3、善有善報,惡有惡報。保持你的圈子正能量。講一口流利的言語。好想法。做好事。What goes around,comes around.keep your circle positive.speak good words.thing good thoughts.do good deeds.4、痛苦讓你更強大。恐懼讓你更勇敢。心碎會讓你變得更聰明。所以,感謝過去給了我們一個更好的未來。Pain makes you stronger.fear makes you braver.heartbreak makes you wiser.so thank the past for a better future.5、人生有許多不同的章節,不要讓一個糟糕的章節結束這本書。Life has many different chapters,dont let one bad chapter end the book.6、如果我們彼此交談而不是談論對方,世界上的許多問題都會消失。A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talked to each other instead of about each other.7、除非你學會面對自己的影子,否則你會繼續在別人身上看到它們,因為你外部的世界只是你內心世界的一個折射。Unless you learn to face your own shadows,you will continue to see them in others,because the world outside of you is only a frflection of the world inside you.8、永遠不要因為別人不稱贊你而停止努力。Never stop doing your best just because someone doesnt give you credit.9、記住,有時得不到你想要的是一種美妙的運氣。Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.10、不要對別人或情況生氣,沒有你的反應兩者都是無能為力的。Do not get upset with people or situations,both are powerless without your reaction.