1. 人要有自知之明,不要總指責別人如何不好,有些人是烏鴉站在豬背上,看到別人的顏色,卻不知道自己黑。 One should have self-awareness and not constantly fault others; some are like crows perched on a pig's back, observing the color of others while remaining blind to their own darkness.2. 有人說我好,有人說我壞。我只能告訴你,好壞我都會,但分對誰,看你配不配。 Some praise me, others criticize. I can only say, I am capable of both good and bad, but it depends on who it's for, whether you deserve it or not.3. 禮貌和教養不只是干巴巴的客套,還有推己及人的周到和體諒,這考驗的不止是情商還有你的善良。 Politeness and breeding are not just dry etiquette; they include consideration and empathy for others, which test not only your emotional intelligence but also your kindness.4. 女人年輕時想嫁給愛情,長大一點想嫁給金錢,后來成熟了才知道,自己要嫁的是人品涵養,是責任和擔當。 Women, when young, dream of marrying for love; a little older, for money; but upon maturity, they realize that what they truly want to marry is character, integrity, and a sense of responsibility.5. 遲來的醒悟道歉不值得被原諒,破碎的東西怎么修補都有裂縫,不論你過后是否真的懂得珍惜和悔改,我寧愿錯過。 Delayed enlightenment and apologies are not worth forgiveness; no matter how broken things are repaired, there will always be cracks. Whether you truly learn to cherish and repent later, I'd rather miss out.6. 簡單到復雜,是前半生的閱歷;復雜到簡單,是后半生的修行。 From simple to complex is the experience of the first half of life; from complex to simple is the practice of the second half of life.7. 長大后我們都應該學會的一點就是開心,要說給真正為你開心的人聽,難受當然也要說給愿意聽你說話的人聽,畢竟這個世界上人類的悲歡并不相通,沒有那么多你以為的感同身受。 One thing we should all learn as we grow up is to be content. Share your joy with those who truly celebrate for you, and your sorrows with those willing to listen, for in this world, the joys and sorrows of humanity are not interconnected, and there are not as many who truly feel what you feel.