1. 我們深感痛心 announce the passing of our beloved mother-in-law. May she rest in peace, with no pain or stress in heaven.2. We are filled with immense sorrow as we mourn the unfortunate passing of our dear mother-in-law and bid her a final farewell.3. On behalf of our entire family, I extend our deepest gratitude to all who visited, cared for, and supported our mother-in-law during her life. She has now left us permanently, and we remember her, miss her, and believe that with her heavenly blessing, her children will thrive. May she rest in peace.4. May our mother-in-law find happiness and tranquility in heaven.5. Our mother-in-law has journeyed to heaven, may she be well there!6. We announce the passing of our mother-in-law and express our condolences. May she find no illness or suffering in heaven.7. Mother-in-law, rest in peace. May you live a good life in the other world, enjoying every moment.8. The passing of our mother-in-law was sudden and unexpected, leaving us completely unprepared and finding it hard to accept.9. As the world becomes clearer, our hearts also become clearer. We are grateful for our mother-in-law's warmth throughout our lives and wish her peace in heaven.10. Our mother-in-law has passed on, and she will always be remembered by us.