反滲透(RO)技術 原水進入膜殼內,被密封圈阻隔,通過膜的端面,在壓力的作用下透過膜,通過透過水導網流至集水管,純水被集水管收集后從純水端口流出,廢水自原水導流網中流出?! everse osmosis (RO) technology Raw water enters the membrane shell, is the sealing ring through the membrane barrier, the end, through the membrane under the action of pressure, water flow through the network through the guide to collecting pipe, water pipe is set after the collection of water outflow from the port, waste water flowing out from the raw water diversion network. 反滲透膜過濾核心技術應用效果 1、去除可溶性物質?! ?、去除原水膠體細菌微生物等。 3、去除病毒?! ?、去除有機化學物質?! ?、去除異味改善口感。 6、去除鉛等重金屬?! everse osmosis membrane filtration core technology application effect 1, to remove soluble matter. 2, remove the raw water colloid microbes etc. 3, remove the virus. 4, the removal of organic chemicals. 5, improve the taste and odor removal. 6, removal of heavy metals such as lead.