a. 尊敬的老師, b.各位同學: 共同:大家晚上好! a:踏著圣誕寧靜的鐘聲,我們又迎來了一個祥和的平安夜 b:滿懷喜悅的心情,我們即將迎來生機勃勃的豬年。 a:回顧過去的一年:在老師的正確領導下,我們團結一心,取得了優秀的成績.圓滿的完成了我們學習任務,這是我們的榮譽,這是我們的自豪。下面首先請××老師作圣誕賀辭(大家鼓掌) b:謝謝××老師。應該說,即將過去的一年是不平凡的一年,同學們付出了自己辛勤的努力。并取得了優益的成績. a:回首過去的一年,我們有收獲,也有失落;但不管怎樣,我們努力過,奮斗過,我們無怨無悔; b:新的一年,風險與機遇并存,只有經風雨,才能見彩虹,我們的a天將會更加美好。 a:在這回首往事、百感交集的時刻;在這辭舊迎新、祥和歡慶的夜晚,讓我們珍惜這難得的相聚,讓今夜成為歡樂的夜晚,幸運的夜晚。 b:為了讓今晚的聚會更加的絢麗多彩,我們的同學將在接下來的時間里,為大家獻上他們自編自演的節目。 a:好!首先讓我們以熱烈的掌聲歡迎××上場! b:他們帶來的節目是:…… 結束語齊:今天是幸福的!今天是榮譽的!今天是最美好的!圣誕晚會到此結束!我們也要開聯歡會了,我是主持人,希望采納!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ kai chang baienglisha:Honorable teacher , b. Schoolmates: Common: In the evening everybody be fine! A: Be treading peaceful ding of the birthday of Jesus Christ, we welcome the night b safe and sound having come to a auspicious sum: The pig full of vigour is annual to come state of mind full of joy , our being gone to meet soon. A: Recollect 1 year in the past: Before teacher we unite under correct leader, of one mind, have got excellent achievement. Have accomplished our study about mission perfectly, this is our honour , this is our being proud. The teacher does the birthday of Jesus Christ greetings (everybody applauds) b underneath, first please X X: Thanks X X teacher. Ought to say 1 year in the past is no ordinary soon schoolmates have paid self industrious effort for 1 year. And have got excellent beneficial achievement. A: Look back upon for 1 year in the past, we have harvesting , also have lose; No metter how but, we had made great efforts to live with , struggled, we have no the resentment nothing regretting; B: New risk coexists with opportunity for 1 year, the day will will be especially fine only when by that trials and hardship , ability see rainbow , our . A: Moment recalling the past , being moved by a mixture of feelings in this; Night bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new , auspicious and celebrating joyously in this, is let us cherish this rare gathering together , is become by the tonight happy night, is lucky night. B: For the party by the tonight especially bright and colourful, our schoolmate will within the time accepting, be that everybody has presented their woven by self and performed by self program. A: Good! The applause being used first enthusiastically by us is welcomed coming on the stage X X! B: The program that they bring about is: ... ...