1. "TBC" in the context of computers typically refers to "The Burning Crusade," which is the second expansion pack for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) World of Warcraft (WoW). It launched on June 28, 2007, raising the game's level cap from 60 to 70.2. Following TBC, the next expansion was "Wrath of the Lich King" (WLK), released on November 13, 2008. This expansion increased the level cap to 80 and introduced theicy land of Northrend, where players fought against the Lich King Arthas Menethil.3. "Cataclysm" (CTM) followed WLK, released on December 7, 2010. It brought significant changes to the game's world, raising the level cap to 85 and introducing new zones, as well as a new race and class.4. The fourth expansion, "Mists of Pandaria" (MOP), arrived on September 25, 2012. It raised the level cap to 90 and introduced the Pandaren race, as well as a new monk class, to the game.詳情