1. Platanus × acerifolia,又稱倫敦懸鈴木,是倫敦街頭最常見的行道樹。2. The Rowan, or Sorbus, belongs to the Rosaceae family and is occasionally planted as a street tree.3. Field Maple, or Acer campestre, part of the Sapindaceae family, is another tree species commonly found in London's streets.4. Hornbeam, scientifically known as Carpinus betulus, is a species of street tree in London that is highly regarded for its ornamental qualities.5. Broad-leaved Privet, or Ligustrum vulgare, is a deciduous hedge plant that is also commonly used as a street tree in London.6. Dawn Redwood, or Metasequoia glyptostroboides, is a rare sight but can be spotted in some London parks.7. The English Oak, or Quercus robur, is a majestic tree species found in London's parks and is known for its impressive size and longevity.These are some of the common species of street trees found in London.