謝太傅在一個飄雪的日子里與子侄輩聚集一堂,討論文學和義理。突然,雪勢加大,太傅愉快地問道:“這飄灑的大雪像什么?”他的侄子胡兒回答:“和在鹽中撒鹽差不多。”他的侄女則說:“不如比作被風吹起的柳絮。”太傅聽后開懷大笑。這位侄女便是太傅大哥無奕的女兒,左將軍王凝之的妻子。翻譯:《詠雪》譯文On a day swathed in snow, Xie Taifu gathered his nephews and nieces to discuss literary matters and the principles of righteousness. Suddenly, the snowfall intensified, and Taifu joyfully asked, "What do you think this splashing snow resembles?" His oldest nephew, Hu'er, replied, "It's much like throwing salt into the air." His niece then said, "But it's not as good as the willow catkins carried by the wind." Taifu burst into hearty laughter. This niece was the daughter of Taifu's eldest brother, Wuyi, and the wife of General Wang Ningzhi. The text of "Ode to Snow" illustrates Xie Daoyun's intelligence and wisdom, as well as her exceptional talent.Additionally, I am a bit confused. Are you asking for a translation of the above text, or are you requesting an English translation? Also, which "Ode to Snow" are you referring to? Ah, you're so lazy. Haha, I'll just go with the flow. Asking questions like this, how could anyone possibly respond?