C35混凝土的粒徑一般位于5-40毫米的范圍。以下是詳細解釋:1. 混凝土粒徑概述: concrete particle size refers to the maximum size of the aggregate in the concrete. It is a crucial factor that influences the performance of concrete, along with its volume being a significant component.2. C35混凝土的粒徑: For C35 concrete, the particle size typically falls within the range of 5-40 millimeters. This range is determined by the concrete's strength requirements, workability, and economic considerations.3. 粒徑對混凝土性能的影響: The particle size has a significant impact on the properties of concrete: - Strength: An appropriate particle size ensures the formation of a sound structure during the curing process, thereby enhancing the concrete's strength. - Workability: Smaller particle sizes make the concrete easier to mix, transport, and shape, facilitating construction processes. - Durability: A well-distributed particle size helps increase the compactness of the concrete, thereby improving its resistance to external environmental factors.4. 結論: In conclusion, the particle size of C35 concrete typically ranges from 5 to 40 millimeters, designed to ensure the concrete exhibits optimal performance under various conditions. In practical engineering projects, it is essential to optimize the concrete mix based on specific environmental conditions and requirements to ensure it meets the project's needs successfully.