1. 清洗茶具和茶葉 - Rinse tea ware and tea leaves
2. 燙杯 - Preheat the tea cup
3. 加茶 - Add tea leaves
4. 燙茶器 - Preheat the tea pot
5. 提水 - Boil water
6. 沖泡 - Brew tea
7. 倒茶 - Pour tea into the cup
8. 倒廢茶水 - Dispose of used tea leaves and water
9. 倒掉第一泡水 - Discard the first brew
10. 沖二泡 - Brew the second time
11. 倒茶 - Pour tea into the cup
12. 倒廢茶水 - Dispose of used tea leaves and water
13. 沖三泡 - Brew the third time
14. 倒茶 - Pour tea into the cup
15. 倒廢茶水 - Dispose of used tea leaves and water
16. 清洗完畢 - Wash everything clean.